Employee Benefits Technology, Administration, Education & Virtual Care Solutions.

Driving innovation in the employee benefits space.
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Simple. Flexible. Personal.

As an organization, our vision is to provide the most comprehensive employee benefits experience possible, while maintaining ease-of-use and partner satisfaction. Our motto, Simple – Flexible – Personal, encapsulates who we are as a company and helps keep us aligned with that vision.

The PES Experience

Since 2014, we have found success by focusing on the employee experience. Our attention to detail, along with our carefully curated benefits solutions, ensure that employees are well equipped to make effective benefit decisions for themselves and their loved ones.

We believe that happy and healthy employees are the foundation of a successful business. That’s why we are committed to providing exceptional service and support to brokers, employers, and employees. We pride ourselves on our responsiveness, reliability, and integrity, and we strive to exceed your expectations in everything we do.

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Shortlister Top Vendor

We are thrilled to announce that our company has been recognized as a leader in employee benefits by Shortlister, a premier platform for benefits technology and services, every quarter since Q1 2021. We have been awarded the “Benefits Decision Support” award, which recognizes our commitment to providing exceptional decision support tools and resources to our broker and employer partners.

We take great pride in this recognition and believe that this award is a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication to helping our clients navigate the complex world of employee benefits. We will continue to innovate and improve our offerings to provide the best possible benefits experience to our clients and their employees.